Monday, September 21, 2009

"Frozen Moments" Spaghetti Sculpture

By Vince Ynzunza

I was in Redmond, WA yesterday picking up my Grandmother’s car with my Mom and we stopped at the Value Village for some browsing. Value Village is a groovy place for treasure hunters – but you have to be there at the right time! No matter how unusual, eclectic or superior your taste in clothing or relics may be – you always need to consider the fact that there’s someone else out there who wants the same things! Arriving just a minute too late can make the difference between a great find and an empty-handed day. That’s why I was uber-excited when I spied my latest find! It’s a plate of Spaghetti with a stainless steel fork suspended by a sturdy cluster of noodles about 6 inches above the dish – frozen in time - like an invisible man is about to chow down! It’s a food sculpture of sorts – a moment in time captured by a skilled artisan. On the bottom of the plate there is a sticker logo of an Australian company called FROZEN MOMENTS. I did some internet research and found out that this company was created in the 70’s and that they actually had a whole series of these ‘Frozen Moments’ culinary sculptures; a bowl of cereal with a carton of milk suspended above it, a glass of whiskey with a bottle pouring into it and even a hot dog being smothered by a floating container of ketchup! The company itself is now defunct and little can found about the actual artists but they seem to be quite the collector’s items!

Before yesterday, I had never conceived of Australian Pop Art – but now I want to know more. No one ever considers the Aussies – they’re all backwoods spawns of criminals and thugs, right? Well, it seems that I’ve stumbled upon a bona fide ‘down-under Warhol’ – and my personal collection is now stronger for it. I’m just beginning to conceive of the fun that I can have with my Frozen Moments Spaghetti Sculpture; like setting it across the table from me while I’m eating and telling onlookers that I’m just having lunch with my best friend ‘Harvey’ or going to an upscale Italian Bistro and ordering an expensive plate of spaghetti Bolognese and then when the waiter isn’t looking, switching the two plates and loudly demanding that I speak to the manager! Oh boy, I can’t wait!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this! :) I grew up seeing some of these or at least similar type artwork at a store in upstate NY called This End Up
