Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Partridge Salt Shaker

Vince Ynzunza

I discovered this groovy relic at a Goodwill Store in Centralia, WA – hidden in the bric-a-brac aisle amongst an underwhelming mess of chipped porcelain bovine butter-boats and cute-as-fuck figurines, this canary yellow 1970’s salt-shaker stood out like Christ on a hill. And further sweetening the deal – it was shaped like a Partridge Bird! While it certainly could not be considered official television merchandise, I immediately connected the find with the classic show, The Partridge Family – and although I do suspect that it may have been manufactured to capitalize on the show’s popularity, a cursory internet search turned up nothing on its origins. But who really cares? It’s one-of-a-kind! It’s a salt shaker! And it’s shaped like a Partridge! I doubt that I will ever use it properly though – years of collecting dust compounded with the questionable restrictions on the use of lead-based paint in the 1970’s makes me a bit nervous about manipulating it in conjunction with my edibles. I have however, put it to comical use on the world of YouTube through a series of video blogs which find me and Partridge Salt Shaker waxing philosophical about modern life and employing outta-sight musical numbers which PSS beak-syncs to!

Since I luckily acquired this object, life has gone on – I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I’ve fucked and I’ve wondered – but those small moments out of the day when I spy The Partridge Salt Shaker out of the corner of my eye truly brings a soothing calm to my day. And therein lies its intrinsic value – Partridge Salt Shaker seasons my life with joy! I bet you wish you had one.


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